Tips for Grade or Fresher to become an iOS Developer

Arvind Patel
2 min readJan 23, 2023

1. Basics of programming:

Before diving into iOS development, it is essential to have a solid understanding of programming concepts such as variables, loops, functions, and object-oriented programming.

2. Swift Programming Language:

Swift is the programming language used to create iOS apps. It is similar to other programming languages such as Java or C#. You can start by learning the basics of Swift through online tutorials or a book.

Swift Apple Documentation :-

3. Xcode Development Tool:

Get familiar with Xcode, Xcode is the main development environment for iOS apps. Learn how to use it to create and edit your code, design your app’s user interface, and test your app.

Download Xcode Tool :-

4. iOS development basics

Learn iOS development basics: Learn the basics of iOS development such as how to create a user interface, how to use the Xcode development environment, and how to use the iOS SDK.

5. iOS development frameworks:

iOS apps are built using frameworks such as UIKit, UIFoundation, Core Data, and Core Location. Learn how to use these frameworks to build your app’s functionality.

UIKit :-

Core Data :-

Core Location :-

6. Practice:

The best way to become a good iOS developer is to practice building apps. Try creating small projects to get familiar with the development process and to gain experience.

7. Design principles:

Good design is important for any app. Learn about user interface design, colour theory, and typography to create visually appealing apps.

8. Publish your apps:

Once you’ve created an app, publish it on the App Store. This will give you real-world experience and help you understand the publishing process.

9. Communities:

Network with other iOS developers, attend industry events, and join online communities to learn from other experienced developers and expand your opportunities.

10. Stay up-to-date:

iOS development is constantly evolving. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments by reading blogs, attending meet-ups, and participating in online communities.

Thank you for reading !!!!



Arvind Patel

Arvind is an iOS app developer passionate about open source and boosting developer productivity. Follow him on Instagram